
Save – to – invest

Attention No tension – only attention
Cost of living Extra working opprtunities with education, training is required
Development Peace through prosperity
Economy Real economy vs. Market valued economy
Economy Wealth based economy to welfare based economy
Greed Greed is always dangerous and destructive
Investigation Spending analysis, investigation organsations are required
Investments Risky investment with parked funds only
Investments Distribute into safe, low risky, medium reisky and high risky
Investments Distribute into safety, income earning, liquidity, period etc
Investments Transform savings into invesments
Investments Transform investments into infrastructure
Investments Monitor until reaching spare funds stage
Productivity Spend less time, energy, resources for quality
Savings Save be secured in future, unforeseen necessities.
Savings Save atleast 1/4 th of income or 1 % of turnove
Savings Save first,  spend next
Social Economic activity should lead to social solutions
Spending Excessive spending is injurious to wealth
Spending Spend less and save more
Spending Spending is essential for infrastructure, education,
Wealth-health Wealth is also reason for good health
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